Tag: mef

Budget Committee approves reports on indebtedness and financial balance 2022

Budget Committee approves reports on indebtedness and financial balance 2022 Budget Committee approves reports on indebtedness and financial balance 2022

Unanimously, this afternoon the Budget Committee of Congress approved the opinions of the Public Sector Indebtedness Law for Fiscal Year 2022 and the Law of Financial Balance of the Public Sector Budget for Fiscal Year 2022. The head of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), Pedro Francke, and other officials from the sector were […]

Premier Mirtha Vásquez led meeting of the commission for the massification of natural gas

Premier Mirtha Vásquez led meeting of the commission for the massification of natural gas Premier Mirtha Vásquez led meeting of the commission for the massification of natural gas

This Tuesday the Executive resumed the meetings of the Multisectoral Commission for the massification of natural gas, after three calls canceled due to lack of a quorum. The meeting was led by the president of the Council of Ministers, Mirtha Vásquez. And it also had the participation of the head of the Ministry of Energy […]

Economy exceeds pandemic levels for the first time

Economy exceeds pandemic levels for the first time Economy exceeds pandemic levels for the first time

The gross domestic product (GDP) for September registered an advance of 9.71%, while the annualized national production (12 months) reached 11.95%, according to information issued yesterday by the INEI. In 2020, the drop in GDP was 11.12%, which is why experts consider that in the ninth month of 2021 the decline mentioned would have been […]

Officialize S / 210 bonus for formal workers

Officialize S / 210 bonus for formal workers Officialize S / 210 bonus for formal workers

The Executive established -through an emergency decree- the delivery of an extraordinary bonus of S / 210 for the only time in favor of formal workers in the public and private sector with salaries of up to S / 2,000. As La República announced, this measure is in line with what was announced a few […]

ONP: this week the first 1,433 proportional pensions will be paid

ONP: this week the first 1,433 proportional pensions will be paid ONP: this week the first 1,433 proportional pensions will be paid

This Thursday, November 18, the first 1,433 proportional pensions of the Social Security Office (ONP) will be paid, after three decades of denying a benefit to older adults who contributed less than 20 years. This is in line with the law passed by Congress in May of this year and that the ONP launched last […]

MEF detailed a proposal to request powers with municipalities, regional governments, unions and the WBG

MEF detailed a proposal to request powers with municipalities, regional governments, unions and the WBG MEF detailed a proposal to request powers with municipalities, regional governments, unions and the WBG

Officials of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) have held meetings throughout this week with union representatives, authorities and international institutions to carry out the scope and objectives of the proposed delegation of legislative powers in fiscal, tax, financial and economic reactivation matters presented by the Executive Power, on behalf of the Pedro Castillo, […]

MEF prepares DU to subsidize fertilizers from farmers with farms of 2 to 10 hectares

MEF prepares DU to subsidize fertilizers from farmers with farms of 2 to 10 hectares MEF prepares DU to subsidize fertilizers from farmers with farms of 2 to 10 hectares

The Vice Minister of Development of Family Agriculture and Agrarian Infrastructure and Irrigation of Midagri, Jose Muro Ventura, confirmed that his portfolio and that of Economy and Finance are working on an emergency decree to partially subsidize the fertilizers of family farming producers with farms of 2 to 10 hectares. During his presentation before the […]

Peru issued its first social bond in euros for an amount of 1,000 million

Peru issued its first social bond in euros for an amount of 1,000 million Peru issued its first social bond in euros for an amount of 1,000 million

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) announced the placement in the international market of the first social bonus in euros with a new 15-year reference, maturing in 2036, for a total of 1 billion, at a coupon rate of 1.95%. According to MEF, the issuance of bonds in euros managed to capture a demand […]

The main axes of the tax reform proposed by the Executive

The main axes of the tax reform proposed by the Executive The main axes of the tax reform proposed by the Executive

The Executive requested the Congress powers to legislate on tax matters for a period of 120 calendar days. The package of measures that he proposed aims to increase collection by S / 12,000 million per year and to incorporate 2.5 million new taxpayers. These are the main points to consider. 1. Higher tax for the […]

Tax reform would include 2.5 million new taxpayers

Tax reform would include 2.5 million new taxpayers Tax reform would include 2.5 million new taxpayers

Within the framework of the delegation of powers requested to the Congress of the Republic, the Executive plans to implement a series of regulations that aim to increase collection, expand the tax base and combat non-compliance. And it is that the tax reform that the Government has in mind would aim to incorporate around 2.5 […]

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