On the occasion of World Cancer Day, held on February 4, the National Superintendence of Labor Control (Sunafil) clarified that workers who submit to exams to rule out Breast cancer and cervix are not obliged to return the hours not worked. This provision guarantees that the employees who attend health centers to carry out these […]
Tag: job
One in two workers in Latin America and the Caribbean is informal, says the ILO
One in two people who work in Latin America and the Caribbean does it in the informalitya situation that exceeds 70% in most countries in the region, with Bolivia above 80%, and only has its lowest rates in Chili and Uruguay, where it reaches 24%, reported this Thursday the International Labour Organization (ILO). In this […]
INEI: 1 in 10 Peruvians lost their job between March and May, we have 420,000 unemployed
According to the results of the Permanent National Employment Survey (EPEN), of the total employed population of Metropolitan Lima, 53.5% (2 million 892,900) are men and 46.5% (2 million 509,800) are women. . Join the WhatsApp channel In the moving quarter March-April-May of 2024, the employed population of Metropolitan Lima totaled 5 million 402,700 people, […]
The US sanctions a company that offered work “only for whites” and those born in the country
The Departments of Justice and Labor USA They sanctioned a company technology of Virginia that published an offer of job “only for whites” and born in the country. According to the Department of Justice, the company Arthur Grand Technologies Inc. violated the Immigration and Nationality Act by publishing a job advertisement in March 2023 “only” […]
Housework is work: the pending challenges to implement a national care system
Historically, the division of jobrelated to the responsibilities of caring for the family, has predominantly assigned women. Because Peru is a very conservative country, there is no fair care system; something that we can see in more developed countries internationally. In the case of Latin America, some of our neighbors have been working in this […]
More than S/34.8 million are transferred for temporary jobs
Through a ministerial resolution, published today in El Peruano, two transfers from the Llamkasun Perú temporary employment program were approved, the sum of which exceeds S/34.8 million, in order to finance immediate intervention activities. On the one hand, they were allocated S/12 million 402,816 in favor of executing agencies with which 81 agreements were signed. […]
Can my employer review my personal messages or emails?
Privacy is a right recognized in several countries, including ours. However, it is not always configured or understood in the same way when it comes to spaces such as work. Typically, employers have access to the institutional machines and emails that they provide as a company. That is why if you ever wondered if your […]
Employed population in Lima rises 4.3%, but 1.7 million now earn less than the minimum wage
Similarly, in the moving quarter of December (2023), January and February (2024), the jobless population in Metropolitan Lima went from 403,600 citizens, a year ago, to the current 418,800 (+3.8%), according to the INEI. Join the La República WhatsApp channel Price of the dollar today in Peru: what is the exchange rate for this Saturday, […]
What are the new labor changes that will govern this 2024 in Peru?
For this 2024, the Executive Branch and Congress They have made a series of decisions to grant certain benefits in the workplace. These changes have been implemented through new approved laws that have been published in the Official Gazette El Peruano. These standards aim to adjust and adapt existing regulations to the current needs of […]
If I am a mother in Peru, what are my labor rights and what licenses can I request?
In our country, women face various economic barriers that become more acute in periods of recession or low growth in the gross domestic product (GDP). Many of them are subject to precarious situations, poorly paid jobs or unemployment. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics, the incidence of informal employment among Peruvian women […]