The Venezuelan NGO Acceso a la Justicia denounced that, with the reform of the Organic Law of Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) approved last Tuesday, the chavism “he chose to retain the political control that he has exercised for two decades for the appointment of the magistrates” of that court.
“(Chavismo) made it clear that the offers of a ‘thorough re-institutionalization’ of the judicial system were false, since it rejected the lukewarm changes to improve the independence of the highest court and chose to retain the political control that it has exercised for two decades to the appointment of the magistrates,” the organization said in a statement.
Said reform, which reduced the number of TSJ magistrates from 32 to 20, includes that “the majority of the members” of the magistrate nominations committee be deputies.
“With this turn it is clear that Chavismo never had real intentions of advancing in the recovery of the autonomy of the TSJ and that it wishes to continue exercising political control over the appointments of the members of the highest court,” Access to Justice considered.
In addition, they stressed that “the co-optation of this body by the ruling party has in turn allowed the colonization of the justice system.”
In the opinion of the organization, “despite the fact that the modification reduces the magistrates from the current 32 to 20, it also opens the door so that the current members of the governing body of the Judicial Power can continue in their positions, which is unconstitutional.”
Precisely, the National Assembly (AN, Parliament) of Venezuela yesterday appointed a preliminary commission of deputies from the judicial nominations committee that will select the candidates for TSJ magistrates.
Access to Justice, on the other hand, believes that the reform of the law has several positive aspects, among them, “the prohibition that the Constitutional Chamber legislate through its sentences.”

Ricardo is a renowned author and journalist, known for his exceptional writing on top-news stories. He currently works as a writer at the 247 News Agency, where he is known for his ability to deliver breaking news and insightful analysis on the most pressing issues of the day.