It became! The minimum flow in Poland has axled this level. For the first time in history

Eurostat provided new data. The minimum salary in Poland for the first time has reached such a high level in the context of one of the European states.

What minimum salary in the EU? The European Statistical Office (Eurostat) informed that in January 2025 he had the highest minimum wage Luxembourg (2,638 euros). The next places took Ireland (2 282 euros) and Netherlands (2 193 euros). However, the last three places took Latvia (740 euros),, Hungary (707 euros) and Bulgaria (551 euros). Poland took 7th place among 20 EU countries with a minimum wage at the level 1 091 euros.

Minimum wage in the EU Chart: Eurostat

Strong increase in the minimum wage: She noted the largest increase in the minimum bed compared to January 2015 Romania: It increased by an average of 14.1 percent annually. She came in second Lithuania (+13.2 percent), and on the third: Bulgaria (+11.6 percent). The lowest increase was recorded on Malta (+2.9 percent). Poland took the 4th place in this ranking with an average annual increase at the level 10.3 percent

Poland catches up with Germany? PKO Research experts indicate that for the first time in history in January 2025, the minimum wage in Poland has reached over half (50.5 percent) minimum wage in Germany. “Polish minimum wage expressed in euros increased 11.7 percentwhile German only by 5.2 percent ” – we read. What’s more, in the last five years the Polish minimum wage increased fastest among European Union countries. “Gradually the distance is shortened our region in terms of minimum labor costs against the rest of the EU ” – add analysts.

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Source: Gazeta

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