I wrapped the foil feet. Did they be a bit of “luxury” for me? Now I don’t have to add anything more

This trick is especially recommended in the winter season. What does aluminum foil feet give you? I decided to test this idea on my own skin. The effects were noticeable after the first application.

On the one hand, it is shiny, thanks to which it reflects the heat, and the other is matte, which makes it more easily absorbed in a high temperature. I have heard many times about the applications of aluminum foil in my life. However, I would never have thought that this product It will also work in skin care, and more specifically the feet.

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What does the feet wrap with aluminum foil? The effect may positively surprise

According to the promises that portals write about, aluminum foil is to be a real remedy for a bothersome winter problem. Finally, frozen feet are nothing pleasant. When the warm socks do not pass the exam, the “silver -” “sheet from the kitchen cabinet is to help. In addition, it is to and accelerate the effect of skin care products, which usually soak into socks or bedding, which makes them no chance to work as well as they should.

  1. I smeared my feet with my favorite cream (body lotion, hand cream, petroleum jelly or oil).
  2. I wrapped them in aluminum foil, making sure that the shiny side is adjacent to the skin.
  3. After a few minutes I felt the difference, although I kept the foil on my feet for about 30 minutes.
Foot wrapping in aluminum foil photo: private archive

Aluminum foil and a bit of foot cream. Was the effect satisfactory?

After removing the foil, my feet were pleasantly hot. In fact the foil worked On the principle of compress, stopping heat inside. I also noticed that the skin is much more nourished and moisturized, and in the touch extremely smooth. I have the impression that the cream not only absorbed faster, but also penetrated the deeper layers. Although the unusual method to season some people for surprise, in my case it worked and I will certainly come back to her.

WARNING! Do not prolong the foot in the foil, because it can lead to burns. We should also remember not to overdo it with the frequency of such a procedure, because the skin of the feet needs to breathe and cannot be tightly wrapped in foil all the time.

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Source: Gazeta

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