The office of Vilawatt on Viladecans (Barcelona) he does not stop giving answers to residents who are interested in switching to the energy company that the City Council launched two years ago.
Arnau Alarcón, energy technician of the Viladecans City Council, explains that any citizen can contract electricity with them and that energy is 100% renewable. Before the price peak that electricity is experiencing, it already represented a considerable saving in the monthly bill.
“We were getting savings from about 10-15%“adds Alarcón. The City Council promotes the energy rehabilitation of old buildings. In the video, we see the change that a block of more than 50 years old, installing plates to generate energy for the entire community.
Precisely with the rehabilitation of the floors it is possible to go from needing a thermal load to heat or cool the floor of 100 W / m2 to spending half. The project is working on the installation of renewable energy generation points, specifically, 23 points that will supply energy to 600 subscribing neighbors.
In addition, the use of Vilawatt, an electronic currency to be used exclusively in 428 businesses in the city, is encouraged, thus promoting the local economy. The project had European funds and has been so successful that it will be replicated in three cities of Greece, Belgium and Hungary.
The European Parliament bets on promoting the energy transition. In fact, part of the Next Generations funds will go towards it.

Mario Twitchell is an accomplished author and journalist, known for his insightful and thought-provoking writing on a wide range of topics including general and opinion. He currently works as a writer at 247 news agency, where he has established himself as a respected voice in the industry.