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Named the main disadvantage of smart watches

The smartwatch may not collect data correctly if you are obese or dark skinned. This is reported by The Verge.

Journalists cite as an example a topical scientific study by specialists from the Florida International University (USA). In it, scientists concluded that in people with dark skin color and an increased level of body fat, smart watches can collect erroneous information – this drawback of wearable devices was called the main one. Doctors recommended gadget manufacturers to more accurately test their devices before releasing them for sale.

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Associate Professor Jessica Ramella-Roman, author of the study, says smartwatches meet the needs of fair-skinned people with normal body fat levels quite well. The experiment was carried out using popular Apple Watch 5, Fitbit Versa 2 and Polar M600 devices on the market. All devices are based on photoplethysmography, a non-invasive method for collecting heartbeat data. It turned out that melanin-rich skin transmits light worse. Also, the skin of obese people contains less water, which hinders blood flow.

In both cases, the data collected by wearable devices can be erroneous. In the presence of dark skin, the sensor error was 10 percent, with increased body fat, it reached 60 percent.

“As we increased BMI levels and skin tone, the signal decreased,” said Ramella-Roman. According to the specialist, manufacturers of fitness gadgets should test their devices with people who have dark skin color, as well as add obese patients to the program.

Previously, Roskachestvo experts have chosen the best smartwatches of 2021. The entire top 3 was occupied by smartwatches from Garmin – the Forerunner 55, Venu Sq Music Edition and Forerunner 745 models.

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