A picture of the Pope Francisco is causing a real revolution in the last few hours on social networks. In it, we see the Pontiff with a most modern coat and a chain with a crucifix on the outside.

Given the possible doubts that there could be around this image, we clarify that it is not real. Like many other ‘fakes’ that circulate on networks, the image has been generated by Artificial intelligencea tool that increasingly implies more challenges for communication professionals.

Christopher Fernandez, professor of digital communication at the Complutense University of Madrid, spoke on laSexta about this “very important challenge” posed by “disinformation”. “We are in a very fast scenario, it is increasingly complex to discern what is real from what is not,” he says.

To face this challenge, Fernández is committed to having “much more education” to be able to “develop criteria” and identify the images that are real versus those that are not.

Other examples that we can see in the video that accompanies these lines are a montage of Putin kneeling before Xi Jinping or one of Donald Trump being arrested by police officers.