Iñaki Williams, who underwent surgery for a painful scar on his left foot, will be out against Rayo Vallecano

Iñaki Williams, who underwent surgery for a painful scar on his left foot, will be out against Rayo Vallecano

Iñaki Williams, who underwent surgery for a painful scar on his left foot, will be out against Rayo Vallecano

Euskaraz irakurri: Iñaki Williamsi ebakuntza egin diote, ezkerreko oineko orbain mingarri baten arazoa konpontzeko

The player of Athletic Iñaki Williams This Tuesday he was subjected to a “plastic surgery procedure to solve a painful scar problem” in the left foot, as reported by the Bilbao club, and will be absent in Vallecas, in the match next Saturday (6:30 p.m.), on the last day of LaLiga EA Sports of the 2023-24 season, between Rayo Vallecano and Athletic.

As confirmed by the Biscayan team, Williams “will be discharged in the next few hours.” His loss is added to that of Gorka Guruzetaoperated on for acute appendicitis two weeks ago, and, furthermore, the availability of Oihan Sancetwho is recovering from the muscle injury that has caused him to miss the last four days.

In this way, Athletic will close the season in Vallecas, in a match in which, at the qualifying level, they have nothing at stake, given that last Sunday He secured the final fifth place in the championship.

Source: Eitb

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