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Social Christians will pronounce on the electoral results in the Convention Center

Social Christians will pronounce on the electoral results in the Convention Center

With a broad smile he arrived at the Convention Center Susana Gonzalezcandidate for the Guayas Prefecture for the PSC-MG, lists 6-75.

González, who is seeking re-election, stated that he was “happy” with the exit data from the pollster Market, where he leads with 32.02% of the vote. Behind her appears Marcela Aguiñaga, from Revolución Ciudadana with 25.67%.

Market’s ‘Exit poll’ points to Susana González as the winner in the Guayas Prefecture

It should be noted that These data are not official. The National Electoral Council (CNE) plans to diffusion of the first results at 19:00.

González affirmed that the Social Christian bases will make their pronouncement at 8:00 p.m., where the former mayor of Guayaquil, Jaime Nebot, will also be present.

González assumed the Prefecture of Guayas in 2020 after the death of the then prefect Carlos Luis Morales.

Meanwhile, Cynthia Viteri, who is running for re-election to the Guayaquil Mayor’s Office, has not yet arrived at the Convention Center. However, data from the Market pollster places it in first place with 40.04%. Then Aquiles Álvarez, from Revolución Ciudadana, with 30.17%.

The other candidates for Olmedo’s chair are: Jimmy Jairala, from Centro Democrático (CD); Pedro Pablo Duart from SUMA; Antonio Orbe, from Avanza; Rocío Serrano, Patriotic Society; Jonathan Parra, from Mover (formerly Alianza PAIS); John Garaycoa, from the Democratic Left (ID); Jaime Páez, from Democracia Sí; Ecuador Montenegro, from the Unidad Popular-Pachakutik alliance; and Iván Tutillo, from Renovation. They participated less than a month ago in a television debate organized by the CNE. (YO)

Source: Eluniverso

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