List 21 of Fonavi would be paid in July, according to Ad Hoc Commission

List 21 of Fonavi would be paid in July, according to Ad Hoc Commission

The fonavistas From list 1 to 19, those who received smaller amounts as part of the refund, will be able to collect the rest of their money from April 22, according to the Ad Hoc Commission. For this purpose, two groups called reimbursement 1 and reimbursement 2 have been created. However, not much has been said about the payment to list 21, those Fonavistas who have not received any disbursement.

Jorge Milla, member of the Ad Hoc Commission representing the National Federation of Fonavistas and Pensioners Association of Peru (Fenaf Perú), spoke with La República and shed more light on this list, which should begin to be paid in July, once all the contributors’ data has been processed.

Fonavi:What is known about list 21?

The list 21 It will be made up of Fonavistas who until now have not received any type of payment, since their contributions have not been accredited. According to Milla, the companies in which many Fonavistas worked ceased to exist and the technical secretariat had no way to verify the information.

However, this is in the process of being solved, since the ONP has sent information to the technical secretariat that will help confirm the contributions of a certain sector of Fonavistas that have not been paid.

When will it be paid and who will make up list 21?

Jorge Milla, member of the Ad Hoc Commission, pointed out that list 21 will be made up of people over 60 years of age. “If the group is not very large, we lower the age, it could be 40 or 50 years. The objective is for it to be a large group and that will be group 2, Fonavistas who to date have not earned a single sol, because There have been problems in the accreditation of their contributions,” he added.

“I estimate that in a month or a month and a half this information will already be worked on to reach the agreement and approval of this group 21. It is not a huge date either, group 21 should be being defined in June or July. There are around half a million Fonavistas that are in the verification process,” Milla explained.

Fonavi refund: what are refund groups?

Reimbursement group 1 will be made up of Fonavistas from list 1 to 19 who received an advance and who, in March 2024, are 80 years old or older. While reimbursement group 2 will be made up of contributors over 80 years of age who have died, so the money can be collected by their spouses and children.

“Both groups constitute 328,055 Fonavistas, but we must add the Fonavistas who are on the register of Conadis and those who have sent documents to the Ad Hoc Commission, who have serious or terminal illnesses, then that number will increase,” says Milla.

What is the maximum amount that reimbursement groups will receive?

List 20 received a maximum of S/6,681, but the reimbursement groups will not have this limit. “If the information that comes from the employer or the Fonavista receipt is calculated and results in a higher amount, that is what has to be paid,” highlights Milla.

Source: Larepublica

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