Ecuadorian exports to Hungary have tripled in the last three years, and the Embassy of Ecuador in that country seeks to further improve this trade exchange through visits to plants, factories and farms of bananas, shrimps, cacao and roses, which are key sectors for Ecuadorians productive environment.
Sales in that country were developing. In 2019, exports amounted to 730,000 dollars, in 2020 it increased to 1.7 million dollars, in 2021 it fell to 1.49 million dollars, but in 2022 it increased again to 2.65 million dollars.
Of all exports in 2022, flowers represented 82% of shipments with $2.18 million. They are followed by canned fish with $370,000 (14%), bananas with $50,000 (2%), among other products. While in the first quarter of this year, according to foreign trade statistics, exports reach 100,000 dollars.
Imports have also increased and are higher than sales. In 2022, they reached $39.57 million. Medicines and cars come mostly from that country.
The Embassy of Ecuador in Hungary, headed by José Luis Salazar, carries out various activities with the aim of strengthening mutual relations between the two nations and making export products more present in Hungary. For this reason, a visit of a group of Hungarian journalists was organized together with the honorary consul of Ecuador, Iván Nyiri.
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Ambassador José Luis Salazar points out that the initiative stems from the need to strengthen fraternal ties between Ecuador and Hungary, which is an attractive destination for Ecuadorian products.
“This is an important opportunity to highlight Ecuador’s export offer, while at the same time they will be able to learn about the processes carried out by the different production sectors in order to comply with the quality standards of international destinations,” he said.
Those who join this initiative in order to strengthen the image of the country on the Hungarian market, through the organization and coordination of the press mission, are Corpei, the Association of Ecuadorian Banana Exporters (AEBE), the Association of Marketing and Export of Ecuadorian Bananas (Acorbanec), the National Chamber of Fisheries, the National Chamber of aquaculture, Expoflores, Nirsa, Santa Priscila, Escoffe, among others.
Communicators Gabriella Gyorgy, Mercédesz Gyükeri, Dániel Huszák and Robert Richard Kiss will tour banana, shrimp, cacao and rose plants, factories and farms, key sectors for Ecuador’s productive environment.
Banana exports rose 4.57% in the first quarter, boosted by shipments to the EU and Russia, but there were markets where the share fell
He will visit the main tourist attractions of Guayaquil and Quito, and will meet with authorities from the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries; The Ministry of Tourism, the Office of the Chancellery and the Hungarian Ambassador to Ecuador. This agenda will be held from May 6 to 13, 2023.
The executive president of Corpei, Eduardo Egas Peña, assures that the visit represents an important benefit for the country. “They are recognized professionals with a positive influence among the audience that follows them. There is no doubt that we will have significant results after this mission.”
Source: Eluniverso

Alia is a professional author and journalist, working at 247 news agency. She writes on various topics from economy news to general interest pieces, providing readers with relevant and informative content. With years of experience, she brings a unique perspective and in-depth analysis to her work.