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LAB denounces the existence of a state plan to privatize healthcare through mutuals

LAB denounces the existence of a state plan to privatize healthcare through mutuals

LAB denounces the existence of a state plan to privatize healthcare through mutuals

The Abertzale union has asked the Basque and Navarrese governments to refuse to apply the new plan that would consist of the mutuals “taking control of the common diseases of the active population.”

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  • Euskaraz irakurri

Euskaraz irakurri: Osasun system pribatizatzeko status mailako egitasmoa dagoela salatu du LABek

The LAB union has denounced “the greatest attempt to privatize public health at the state level, through mutuals“. The central abertzale has revealed the existence of a draft agreed between the Spanish Social Security and the association of mutual employers AMAT which proposes that mutuals have the management not only of occupational diseases but also of common diseases of productive people for the system.

The general coordinator of the union, Igor Arroyo, explained yesterday at a press conference that with “the excuses of being a Collaboration agreement for reduce waiting lists of the public health system what is wanted is “for the Mutual Employers to take over the health service of the active population, emptying the Public Health System”.

The plan would have already been transferred to each autonomous community for its execution between the corresponding health department and the employer mutuals, before which it has asked both the Basque Government and the Navarro Executive to “give a resounding no to this privatization attempt.”

In the words of Arroyo, the excuse is “to lighten the waiting lists of the public health system,” but he warned that the way to do so “is not privatization, but quite the opposite: investing in the public sector.”

He asked them to “assume a clear commitment” that care for the common illnesses of these workers will not be entrusted to mutual employers and, on the contrary, promote the “opposite direction” so that the companies arrange care for the occupational diseases with Social Security and, “consequently, the management is carried out from the public health system”. Arroyo stressed in this regard that the “best guarantee for the health of workers is a powerful public system.”

Source: Eitb

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