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They propose to industrialize hemp to contribute to economic reactivation

They propose to industrialize hemp to contribute to economic reactivation

The free trade agreements would open business opportunities with 54 countries around the world, according to the Fuerza Popular legislator.

Congressman Arturo Alegría (Popular Force) presented to the Agrarian Commission and the Production Commission Bill 3962/2022-CR that promotes economic reactivation through the use of hemp, a subspecies of cannabis, in agriculture in Peru.

The purpose is to regulate the use of hemp seed and fiber that does not exceed 1% of tetrahydrocannabinol (the main psychoactive of cannabis) for industrial and commercial purposes. As well as the monitoring of import, export, collection, planting, cultivation, harvesting, storage, transformation, transport, processing and commercialization activities, within the national territory.

In a recent round table in the Congress of the Republic that was attended by experts in the industry, parliamentarian Alegría pointed out the need to break the taboos and prejudices attributed to the hemp plant. “It has properties that can be used in different markets such as medicinal, textile, cosmetic, food, environmental, automotive, and construction”he explained.

One of the pioneers in scientific research in the hemp industry, Raúl Injoque, director of Business Development at Futura Farms (Peruvian company), reported at this technical table that the global market generates around US$4,000 million and it is thought that will grow at least five times more in the coming years.

Hemp-based products.

Hemp-based products.

Therefore, he recommends betting on the regulation of hemp given the Free Trade Agreements (FTA) with 54 countries in the world that would allow development opportunities.

Regarding the study of the hemp seed and fiber for its authorization, it is indicated in the project that it will be in charge of the National Agrarian Health Service of Peru (SENASA) which will have 60 calendar days.

Are there conditions in our country for this crop?

Among the main reasons, Alegría mentions that our country has an agricultural frontier of more than 12 million hectares, according to the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation; fertile land conditions in the coastal zone suitable for its development; free trade agreements and the universe of small and medium farmers who can benefit from a new industry.

Source: Larepublica

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