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Sánchez and Biden agree to send two destroyers and 600 more US soldiers to the Rota base

Sánchez and Biden agree to send two destroyers and 600 more US soldiers to the Rota base

The President of the United States has recalled the 40th anniversary of Spain’s accession to NATO, which made it become “an indispensable ally”.


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The president of the United States, Joe Biden, and that of Spain, Pedro Sanchezhave agreed to increase the US military presence at the Rota naval base (Cádiz) by sending two more destroyers as part of the NATO anti-missile shield, which will be added to the four already installed there since 2014 and 2015 .

This is reflected in the joint declaration sealed between the two countries after the bilateral meeting held by Biden and Sánchez at the Palacio de la Moncloa, prior to the NATO summit being held this week in Madrid.

Biden has recalled the 40th anniversary of Spain’s accession to NATOwhich made him become “an indispensable ally”.

The US and Spanish leaders have reaffirmed their commitment to the military agreement sealed in the year 1988which allows the shared use of databases Moron (Seville) and Rota and that they qualify as “a fundamental piece” of bilateral defense cooperation between the two countries.

In this sense, they have announced their intention to “expand” their defense cooperation through “the permanent stationing of additional US warships in Rota.” It would be two more destroyers that would be added to the four already permanent in the Spanish base.

This increase in US military capabilities in Spain — which will increase US troops in Rota by some 600 — will make it necessary to reform the cooperation agreement, which it will have to go through the Council of Ministers and be approved by the Congress of Deputies.

A “truly historic” summit

Biden has stated that Spain will host a “truly historic” summit at a key moment for NATO, in the face of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“The Madrid summit hosted by Spain will ensure that NATO is united around a new Strategic Concept that guides the Alliance’s response to strategic competitors and transnational threats, and that NATO’s military and political activities are resourced to address a more dangerous security environment,” he says.

The US president has stressed that the current moment is key due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has “shaken” European peace and rules since World War II.

“We are united to support Ukraine and improve our own deterrence and defense capabilities,” Biden said, adding that since the beginning of the war in Ukraine The US has consolidated its position of strength in Europe and responded to the new security environment.

“I am particularly satisfied with the new joint declaration between Spain and the United States that will update and consequently strengthen relations between the two countries,” Sánchez told the media in the presence of Biden.

Source: Eitb

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