90% of COVID-19 patients in UK intensive care did not get booster doses

Up to 90% of COVID patients in intensive care in the UK have not received a booster dose of vaccine, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Wednesday, once again excluding any tightening of restrictions before the New Year. .

I’m sorry to say, but the vast majority of people who are admitted to intensive care at our hospitals are those who did not receive a booster shot.”, Highlighted the conservative leader on the sidelines of a visit to a vaccination center.

I have spoken with doctors who claim that up to 90% of people in intensive care have not received a booster dose”, He detailed, renewing his appeal to the population to receive an additional dose.

If they are not vaccinated they are, on average, eight times more likely to end up in the hospitalJohnson said.

Faced with a blazing spread of the omicron variant, with a record high of nearly 130,000 cases recorded in England and Wales on Tuesday, the UK launched a massive booster vaccination campaign, which has already enabled a supplemental dose to be administered to almost 57% of the population. population over 12 years old.

The goal is to offer a supplemental vaccine to the entire adult population before the end of the year.

Relying on the progression of vaccination, and despite increasing hospitalizations, Boris Johnson again on Wednesday excluded tightening the restrictions in force in England to slow the spread of the virus, unlike Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which closed the discos.

The omicron variant still poses real problems, we see cases increasing in hospitals, but it is clearly less virulent than the delta variant and we can move on as we do”, Justified the leader.

However, he called on the population to celebrate the New Year “with prudence”.


WHO classifies new variant of COVID-19 as “worrying” and names it Ómicron


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