French President Emmanuel Macron warned on Thursday that will only appoint a prime minister once the French political forces have reached a compromise for ““Build a solid majority” And in the meantime, the current government will continue to exercise its responsibilities.

“Divided in the first round, united by mutual withdrawals in the second, elected thanks to the votes of their former adversaries, only the republican forces represent an absolute majority“The nature of these elections, marked by a clear demand for change and a sharing of power, requires them to build a broad-based coalition,” Macron said in a letter to citizens.

Macron has warned that this will mean “giving the political forces a little time to work out these commitments.” “with calm and mutual respect”he said in the letter, published in various regional media and also shared by the Elysée. The French president also maintained that Nobody really won the electionsince “no political force obtained a sufficient majority alone,” and the blocks or coalitions resulting from the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7 “are all minorities.”

“Although the extreme right won in the first round with almost 11 million votes, it clearly refused to let it come into power,” reasoned the head of state, who believes that in order to achieve a compromise “Ideas and programs must come before positions”.

A cold shower for the Popular Front

What the French have chosen at the polls, Macron has summarized, is the republican front (which excludes the extreme righta) and this is what the various forces must achieve through their actions. It will, however, require the “invention of a new French political culture” in a country that is not accustomed to coalitions for governing.

“This agreement must be built around great principles for the country, clear and shared republican values“a pragmatic and comprehensible project that takes into account the concerns you expressed at the time of the elections. It must guarantee the greatest possible institutional stability,” he stressed.

Macron’s words, which urge the parties to work together, are above all aA cold shower for the expectations of the left-wing coalition New Popular Front (NFP), which is the first force in the National Assembly by number of seats (182), although far from the absolute majority (289).

The new prime minister must come from the left

The different families that make it up – the Socialist Party (PS), La France Insoumise (LFI), the communists and the ecologists – have been adamant that the new Prime Minister must come out of the leftalthough they have not yet announced a consensus candidate, nor is it clear how they could guarantee governability.

According to a harsh statement issued yesterday by the NPF, Macron’s continued support of the current government with Gabriel Attal would be co-opting the institutions and ignoring Sunday’s results.which relegated Macronism to second force in the lower house with 158 deputies, while the far-right National Rally (RN) and its allies had 143.

In France, it is the president who has the power to appoint the prime minister, but this is subject to their support in the National Assembly, which could overthrow him by a vote of no confidence. The French left has harshly criticised President Emmanuel Macron’s refusal to appoint a prime minister until there is a solid majority to ensure governability and is demanding a name from the New Popular Front (NFP), the largest force in the Assembly but without an absolute majority.

It is the return of the royal veto to universal suffrage. “He wants to give himself time to form another coalition by scheming after the elections,” criticised Jean-Luc Mélenchon, founder of La France Insoumise (LFI), one of the parties that make up the coalition that on Sunday came out on top in terms of seats, along with the Socialist Party (PS), the communists and the ecologists.

It doesn’t live up to the story. More alone than ever, Emmanuel Macron is abusing us. He threw France into the arms of the far right, we prevented that. Now the New Popular Front must govern. The President must accept democracy,” said MP Clémence Guetté on the same social network, one of the names that have been mentioned as possible proposals to lead the government from the LFI camp.

Marine Tondelier, the leader of the environmentalists, accused the president of refusing to recognise the election results and warned that his refusal would harm the country and democracy.You can’t win and lose at the same time”stressed the green MP, before recalling that Macron was the only one who decided to dissolve the National Assembly and call early elections.

Dealing with “the consequences of your decision”

Now the president must deal with “the consequences of your decision“, Tondelier continued, and “institutional logic dictates” that he call the NFP to ask them to propose a prime minister. However, the different families of the left-wing coalition have not yet agreed on a candidate for prime minister, who in addition to needing Macron to agree to appoint him, would also need to generate sufficient support to overcome potential motions of censure in the National Assembly, where the NFP will have 182 seats, far from the absolute majority of 289.

On the far right, Macron’s position, expressed on Wednesday in a letter to citizens that was published while the president arrived in Washington to participate in a NATO summit, is also not supported. was better received. “Emmanuel Macron is orchestrating the paralysis of the country by putting the extreme left on the brink of power after unworthy arrangements. And his message from now on is: “get by,” complained Jordan Bardella, the president of the National Rally (RN) and Marine Le Pen’s right-hand man, on social media, who also called the French head of state “irresponsible.”