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Do you change sheets and pajamas weekly?  In these situations, it’s a bug.  Better not do that

Do you change sheets and pajamas weekly? In these situations, it’s a bug. Better not do that

We spend a lot of time in bedding and pajamas, so we should make sure that they are not only comfortable and pleasant to the touch, but also hygienically clean. The more that they have direct contact with our skin. How often do you change them? It turns out that once a week is not always enough.

We use bedding and pajamas on a regular basis, which means that our skin has direct contact with them every day from several to even several hours a day. Because during sleep we often sweat and lose epidermis, which is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, they should be changed systematically. How often should this be done?

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How often should bedding be washed? Once a week is not always enough

It is assumed that bedding and pajamas should be changed at least once every two weeks, and preferably every week. However, this is not a perfect solution for everyone, because to a large extent the frequency of this activity depends on many other factors. Certainly, you should not do it less often than every 14 days, but in many cases it is advisable to change both bedding and pajamas more often. Its absence can affect our health. What to look for?

In these cases, it is good to wash the bedding more often. What to look for?

If you bathe before bedtime, a weekly change of pajamas should suffice. In turn, in the case of a shower taken only after waking up in the morning, it is advisable to change night clothes even every day. All because you put it on a body that is full of sweat, bacteria and dirt after a whole day. The situation is similar during the hot summer and illness and fever, when it is best to change both bedding and pajamas every day. Also, pet owners should not delay this activity. Remember that dirty bedding is also a breeding ground for dust mites. It can adversely affect not only health, but also the condition of the skin and exacerbate allergies.

How often should you wash towels? Better not to delay

It is no different with towels, which also have direct contact with our skin, and most often hang in a damp bathroom. A good practice is to wash them immediately after purchase, and then systematically clean them even every 3-4 uses. Pay special attention to the one you use to wipe your face, as it is good to change it even every day. In this way, you will not allow bacteria to develop in the material, which may adversely affect the health and condition of the skin.

Source: Gazeta

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