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This name was given only 11 times in 2022.  It comes from the Greek language and means a woman of good birth

This name was given only 11 times in 2022. It comes from the Greek language and means a woman of good birth

Choosing a baby name is a difficult task. Usually parents look for an unusual and original solution. We suggest a name that is not only rare, but also has an extraordinary meaning.

Future parents often search among the original foreign ones, and those broadcast several decades ago are forgotten. Wrongly, because they are not only interesting, but also sound beautiful. We suggest which ones in Poland .

Traditional baby girl name. In 2022, only 11 children received this name

Unusual foreign names rule in Poland, but the fashion for traditional names that our grandparents had was slowly returning. If future parents are looking for an original name, it is worth paying attention to Eugenia. The name comes from the Greek language. It is the feminine form of Eugene and means a woman of good birth. Women with this name can have their name day up to 7 times a year – February 7, March 6, March 10, September 6, September 13, September 16 and December 25.

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Eugenia means a woman of good birth. Once upon a time, this name was given to girls born in high society

Women bearing this unusual name are characterized by a good heart, generosity and strong commitment to family and professional life. In the past, they were given to girls from high society. Eugenia is down to earth and knows what she wants. She is responsible and pays attention to details. He does not act hastily, and all decisions must be well thought out. Diminutives of this name are: Genia, Genia, Gienka, Eugesia, Geśka, or Niusia. Famous women bearing this unique name include Eugenia Rudnieva, a Soviet aviator-navigator during World War II, and actress Eugenia Herman.

Source: Gazeta

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