javier milei has turned Argentina upside down. His victory in the country’s primaries has caused the value of the Argentine peso to plummet in recent hours. The question is obligatory: how can someone with such a profile have won an election?

Its measures are radical, as well as its postulates, betting on a total elimination of the state. Few are the ministries that would be saved from his sieve, not even that of the Economy. Because their anarcho-capitalist postulates defend it that way, leaving Security and Justice in the hands of the State.

Its economic pillar revolves around the dollarization of the Argentine economy, a ‘magical’ measure that has already led to a 20% devaluation of the currency. Because Milei sees the Argentine peso as a “scam”.

It also seeks to deregulate the market for sale of organs, which he believes should not have any intervention. He also advocates for the legalization of drugs, another market in which the State and Justice should not interfere.

But his postulates go further, because Milei even doubts that there should be a children’s market: “It is a philosophical discussion that I do not know to what extent we are prepared for it, because there are much more tangible things“.

Every time you give a right, someone has to pay for it. You are better off because you are expropriating another”, he defends on Social Justice. Because he is against it, he does not even support the early detection of heart disease in babies, something that he justified thus: “It involved more presence of the State and more expenses”.