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US Treasury Bonds Record Highest Weekly Earnings in Over a Year, BofA Says

US Treasuries posted their highest earnings since October 2020, while high-yield, investment-grade debt funds posted strong outflows on concerns over high inflation and a tightening of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy. (Fed) said the BofA.

Cash funds posted the largest weekly inflows, at $ 27.1 billion, followed by stocks at $ 9 billion, according to BofA’s weekly flow report, based on data from EPFR.

In a sign that investors are shedding some of their short bond and equity deals this year, which have paid good dividends, the US investment bank’s private clients have cut their equity positions over the past three weeks, with outflows of the industrial and growth sectors.

The narrowing of the market was another concern. Just five of the top U.S. tech stocks accounted for 71% of the gains of nearly 20% in Wall Street stocks, analysts from BofA.


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