65% of Ecuadorian workers are not afraid of what artificial intelligence can do to their jobs in the future, but 35% fear that they will be replaced. At the regional level, 53% of young people are worried that they have chosen a profession that will be replaced by technology, according to data from surveys conducted locally and in Ibero-American countries.

How many workers in Ecuador are afraid of being replaced by artificial intelligence? There is less risk in agriculture, oil and food

ChatGPT has made it possible for the world to try and start interacting in a very simple way with an artificial intelligence model. He was overwhelmed by that too boom questions whether this will cause job displacement; but Gabriel Antelo, Globant’s vice president for technology, sees in these great processing models a great opportunity to move towards a new model of efficiency or creativity. When the machine beat the Russian world champion Garry Kasparov in 1997, “people didn’t play chess less, but there were a lot more people who focused on the sport and started learning from it to try to beat the machine. There have been many people trying to beat AI algorithms. It’s a great example of what we should be doing with artificial intelligence today.”

What are myths and what is the truth?

The main myth is if this would finish off humanity, a catastrophic picture of future movies of machines taking control of human beings, every time some progress happens there is so much noise, humanity fears its extinction through artificial intelligence and machines, i.e. still a myth.

What we have before us is a tool. We are the ones who give artificial intelligence its rightful or wrongful use. Are you going to replace developers? Not. It will help them get the job done faster, probably if used correctly.

What I believe will happen is that these engines, this technology, will allow us to delegate certain time-consuming activities and allow me to devote my time to what will add more value. I will go through a revaluation of my time. I can take him as an assistant, as a co-pilot, a co-pilot is not a pilot. ChatGPT won’t tell me what I want to do, I’ll interact with the model and ask it to help me with something.

Which industries are developing processes with artificial intelligence?

Before ChatGPT and Open IA, most industries were using, trying to do, or doing artificial intelligence about 23% of their activities: data mining, recommendations, image control… What we see now is that we have accelerated willingness to use artificial intelligence for more things. The questions we get from customers are about the ability I have to use this technology to do something faster and more efficiently.

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In Ecuador, we are talking with consumer companies, in the health sector, with banks. Most industries ask if they have to do something about it, and the question comes both ways: one in fear, companies call us and say I know my employees are using it, I limit it, ban it, filter it. The second question is about how I use it, how I benefit from it.

To the first question, what we are saying is that we have to learn and train people. We cannot ignore that it is on the phones, on the computers of any collaborator. The first thing is to know that it is being used and create awareness about its use. For example, don’t share private company information. Make it a mutual benefit. Operational efficiency, for example in the case of companies that process a large amount of invoices, models and engines allow speeding up this work and ultimately reducing the work of an expert eye on those important invoices.

Is it a benefit for companies that what three people used to do can be done by one?

What is created is an opportunity to do more things. When someone starts experimenting with these tools, he is aware of everything that he has not done before, and having that expert person at liberty to compare that activity with the one he has done so far, obviously raises the quality of the work that seems to be effective. It meant doubling my workforce, today I can do more with it or I can do higher value activities.

I give that person the quality of time, of life. More challenging things.

What does it have to do with professions, do you care more about one or the other?

Yes, it happened to us, for example, with lawyers. They came to us to ask if it would replace them and again the answer was no. The lawyer will have to continue to put his critical view, his defense strategy or his analysis before the case, what will happen is that instead of spending many hours reading the file, he will be able to use tools that help him process those documents faster, he will not to replace. I will change the way work is done, yes.

I can give you a very large amount of information, and you have the ability to understand it and generate an answer from it.

There is a need to rethink the educational method, aware that it exists and will continue to progress, to train that critical eye so that it can continue to challenge technology. A chess player learns to play chess and sets challenges with models, continues to learn the basics of the sport, tactics, moves, the same will happen to all professionals who interact with these pilots.