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Brussels approves Viasat’s purchase of Inmarsat satellite operator

Brussels approves Viasat’s purchase of Inmarsat satellite operator

The European Commission (EC) on Thursday gave the green light to the acquisition of the satellite operator of the United Kingdom Inmarsat by the American viasatconcluding that it does not raise conflicts of jurisdiction in the European Economic Area (EEA), as reported by the Community Executive itself.

Today’s approval comes after the Community Executive carried out an in-depth investigation into the operation at the request of Spain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania and Sweden .

The acquisition did not meet the business volume thresholds that oblige the European Commission to be informed about the operation, so the EC was not initially notified, but Viasat notified the Spanish authorities.

However, Spain asked the Community Executive to examine the merger, a request to which the other countries joined.

In February, the Community Executive announced the opening of an in-depth investigation into the purchase, but this Thursday confirmed that it had not detected problems for the competition, for which reason it approved it without conditions.

Source: EFE

Source: Gestion

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