The most convincing evidence that correísmo is poison for Ecuador is the behavior of the UNES correístas and their allies in the National Assembly, which shows them as irrational, fanatical, deaf, handcuffed, arrogant elevated to power, mediocre, jerks. , I can’t speak coherently, you liars. They do not seek the welfare of the country, but the welfare of the supposed great leader who is a fugitive from justice in Belgium, also sick with the symptoms of his local followers. The Koreans once again showed in front of the country that they do not care about the law, nor about procedures, nor about the truth, nor about justice.

The legend of the great public work of Rafael Correa can no longer be maintained if we remember the destructive machinery of democratic institutions brought by the former president. Correato inside is the subtitle of the book ill-fated revolutions, by Mónica Almeida and Ana Karina López, which analyzes how much economic, social and political waste Correa produced. If you look inside Koreaism – and not the hype of its propaganda – you will understand how dangerous it is to the health of the country. A book Reactionary utopia: an X-ray of the Korean story (Quito, Pescadito Editoriales, 2023), by Simón Pachana, also continues these efforts.

Correísmo, a movement on the way to extinction: an analysis made by the political scientist Simón Pachano in his book ‘La utopia reacciónaria’

With argumentative mastery, Pachano deconstructs the supposed achievements of the correista project, which in the end meant a period of regression in the rights of Ecuadorians; For this reason, despite positing a romantic ideal – albeit a distorted one – of the Latin American left, Correa actually instilled a reactionary utopia supported by an unworkable economic and political project. – Doubtful – the election of Lenín Moreno as president was for Correa to remotely control his successor, which failed due to the role of Vice President Jorge Glas in the corruption schemes.

“Our best source was Rafael Correa.” Mónica Almeida and Ana Karina López, authors of the book ‘The Unfortunate Revolution’. Belt inside ‘.

Several strategies have characterized Correa’s governments: the subjugation of legality to legitimacy; not to communicate but to advertise…

Several strategies have characterized Correa’s governments: the subjugation of legality to legitimacy; not to communicate but to advertise; put collective rights on the same level as individual rights; undermining the rule of law in a constitutional state of law that meant that the presidential government, not the state or society, mattered; monopoly of words and limited individual freedom; machismo enforced from power; revolutionary narcissism and messianism. In short: from the outside, revolutionary preaching fueled by “guitarist Guevarismo”; inside, a delirious reactionary utopia.

Pachan’s book is an outstanding contribution to keeping our eyes open to the correista threat, since the civil revolution “was not a program to strengthen a damaged democracy. It was the replacement of this with a vertical regime, supposedly protective, that saw the danger in an active, organized, questioning society. The revolutionary sermon remained in words that clashed with the reality of not only facts, but above all norms. The Constitution remained as a delirious testimony of reactionary utopia”. The x-ray of correísma is a horror story. (OR)