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Russia accuses the West of causing its destruction

Russia accuses the West of causing its destruction

Sergei Lavrovthe Russian Foreign Minister, lashed out on Thursday against Western countries and accused them of wanting to inflict a lasting defeat on Russia.

Comments are directed towards Ursula von der Leyen, the head of the European Commission, who is in kyiv on the eve of a summit between Ukraine and the European Union (EU). “It’s good to be back in kyiv, my fourth time since the Russian invasion and this time with my team of commissioners,” the official tweeted.

“We are here together to show that the EU is firmly on the side of Ukraine”he added.

Von der Leyen “stated that the result of the war must be the defeat of Russia, and such a defeat that it does not rise for decades”, Lavrov said, in a televised interview.

Isn’t it racism, Nazism and an attempt to solve the Russian question?”, he stated, echoing the “final solution of the Jewish question”, the Nazi-orchestrated Holocaust.

Russia justifies its invasion of Ukraine as an attempt to “denazify” the country, as part of the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Soviet victory in the Battle of Stalingrad, a symbol of patriotism defended by President Vladimir Putin for his offensive in Ukraine .

Lavrov also referred to Western military support for Ukraine, which represents an “escalation”, especially in the event of the delivery of long-range weapons. (YO)

Source: Eluniverso

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