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How much does a security guard earn in the United States?  These are the cities where there is more work

How much does a security guard earn in the United States? These are the cities where there is more work

In the United States, the salary of a security guard (or security guard) varies by state and within the same state may also vary by city.

The salary when being hired for the first time is also significantly lower than when you have experience. An armed security guard also earns more than an unarmed one and, in general, the greater the responsibility, the higher the salary.

Security guards in the United States earn salaries of more than double the federal minimum wage without requiring college education or expensive training courses, according to Vive USA.

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Most states in the country require guards to have a state license, especially if they must carry a firearm. Photo: Istock

However, there are some regions where they hire more guards for better compensation. These workers can work in a wide variety of places, from offices and stores, to large companies that require protection.

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What does it take to be a security guard in the United States?

To fill such an opening, a high school diploma is generally required. Depending on each establishment, previous experience in the field of security could be requested.

Also, most states in the country require guards to have a state license, especially if they must carry a firearm.

These workers can work in a wide variety of places, from offices and stores, to large companies that require protection. Photo: Istock

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How much does a security guard earn in the United States?

On average, guards earn $17.23 an hour, bringing in $35,830 a year. But these are the regions where they are paid the best:

5. Idaho: $19.70 an hour.

4. New York: $20.10 per hour.

3. Washington: $21.02 an hour.

2. Alaska: $23.58 per hour.

1. Washington DC: $25.41 an hour.

In addition, in industries such as natural gas distribution, civil and heavy engineering construction, as well as with monetary authorities, wages exceed $30 per hour.

The main responsibility of security guards is to prevent theft, acts of violence or violations of the regulations of the site for which they work. Photo: Istock

Where is there more work for security guards in the United States?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics points out that the industries with the most jobs for guards are investigative and security services, hospitals, as well as elementary and secondary schools.

In these entities there are more jobs for security guards:

5. Illinois: $17.65 per hour.

4. Florida: $14.61 an hour.

3. Texas: $16.57 per hour.

2. New York: $20.10 an hour.

1. California: $18.37 per hour.


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Source: Eluniverso

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