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France will give 100 euros for fuel to low-income drivers in 2023

France will give 100 euros for fuel to low-income drivers in 2023

To receive this aid, they must request it through the website of the French Treasury. It is estimated that around 10 million people will benefit from the aid.

Euskaraz irakurri: Frantziak 100 euroko laguntzak emango dizkie diru-sarrera baxuak dituzten gidariei 2023an

The French Government plans to abolish the discount on the price of fuel that he has given this year to alleviate the rise in energy prices. Instead it will offer 100 euros to drivers with the lowest income, with an estimate of around 10 million potential beneficiaries.

People interested in receiving this help they must request it through the website of the French Treasury, Entering the vehicle registration and making a declaration that proves the need for the car or motor vehicle to travel to your workplace.

The Prime Minister of France has reported that the aid will be the same regardless of the number of vehicles in the same home. That is, each person who meets the requirements would receive the aid. In this sense, the French Government seeks to concentrate its efforts on the less favored, since the discount that was applied until now at the pump benefited all drivers without distinction.

In the meantime, the Spanish Government will make the decision to extend the current aid of 20 cents per liter of fuel in the coming days, or maintain the measure only for professional or vulnerable groups.

Source: Eitb

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