Is your internet as fast as on the contract? See how to check its speed

The internet works slowly, the pages do not go, and the movies stuck? Check the actual speed of your ease and see if it is consistent with what you have on the contract.

Reality often differs from promises. How to check if we get what we pay for? And what if the test results disappoint us?

Before you start the test

To make the measurement credible, you must prepare for it. First of all, turn off all programs in the background – especially those that use the Internet. Stop the system updates and everything else that your internet can steal during the test.

Disconnect other devices from the network. Each phone, tablet or TV connected to Wi-Fi takes part of the bandwidth. Even if you do not use them, they can download updates in the background or synchronize data.

You can get the most accurate result by connecting the computer directly to the router with a network cable. Wi-Fi, even the latest generation, will always be slower than a wired connection. Why? Because the quality of the wireless signal is influenced by a lot of factors – walls, furniture, other Wi -Fi networks, and even a working microwave. However, if you need to test for Wi-Fi (for example on the phone), stand as close to the router as possible. And check which network you are connected – the one in the 5 GHz band will be faster than 2.4 GHz.

Where to check the speed?

You can choose from several proven pages:

  • Tests made available by operators (Orange, UPC, Netia)

Each of them works similarly – you click “Start” and wait for the results. What do they mean? Download is the download speed – the higher, the faster the pages and movies will load. Upload is sending – it matters when you throw files into the cloud or lead video call. Ping shows a link delay – a lower value means a smoother game online and less “jamming” video conversations.

What results should you receive?

Here are approximate speeds you should get in the test with various packages:

100 Mb/s for the Internet:

  • Downloading: minimum 70-80 Mb/s
  • Sending: about 10-20 Mb/s (unless you have a symmetrical connection)

For the Internet 300 Mb/s:

  • Downloading: minimum 200-250 Mb/s
  • Sending: about 30-50 Mb/s

For the Internet 600 Mb/s:

  • Downloading: minimum 450-500 Mb/s
  • Sending: about 60-100 Mb/s

For the Internet 1 Gb/s (1000 Mb/s):

  • Downloading: minimum 700-800 Mb/s
  • Sending: about 100-200 Mb/s

Remember that operators in contracts give maximum speeds (hence the term “to x mb/s”). In practice, real speed usually reaches around 70-80% of the declared value. If you get much lower results, it’s time to work.

When is the result low?

A lot of factors affect the test result. Your computer must “knead” – an old laptop with a weak network card will not use the full speed potential. The router also has its limitations – especially those older models. A lot also depends on the time of day. In the evening, the speed may be lower.

What to do when the internet is too slow?

First, do several tests at different times of the day. If the results are regularly much lower than in the contract, it’s time to work:

  • Restart the router – sometimes it is enough
  • Check if you have the latest network card drivers
  • Test a different network cable
  • If you use Wi-Fi, change the location of the router
  • Contact the operator – maybe the problem is on their side

Source: Gazeta

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