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Why does your cell phone heat up and what should you do to fix it?

Among the elements that can cause overheating are batteries, chargers or high-performance apps.

In order not to reduce the useful life of a cellular device, it is necessary to give importance to the battery of the phones. Since it is the most important and essential component of any smartphone, regardless of its price. After a very long conversation on the phone, watching a movie or using GPS for a long time, SMS phones can overheat.

Sometimes smartphones get hot because there are too many apps running in the background. Check if you have any open games or apps that are using features like GPS. Using the phone while it is charging makes the process take longer and causes it to overheat.

If you notice a strong rise in temperature on your cell phone, disable functions such as Bluetooth and WiFi for a while to avoid overloading processes. It will also help to reduce screen brightness when playing games or movies for long periods of time.

The use of battery chargers that provide more current than necessary or the use of broken cables or cables with false contact can also have this consequence of heating both the phone and the connector.

Overheating of phones will shorten battery life more quickly. In some extreme cases, the battery could explode.

Another reason for the team to warm up is that a malware or virus infected the operating system. This type of malicious software is installed on your cell phone when you download unknown applications or download content illegally. (I)

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