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How to turn on end-to-end encryption in iCloud

How to turn on end-to-end encryption in iCloud

Apple devices now have advanced data protection, which applies end-to-end encryption to everything stored in iCloud. This includes iCloud, Notes, and Photos backups, among others. Previously, data was encrypted, but not end-to-end. The only thing left out of Advanced Data Protection is iCloud Mail, Contacts, and Calendar.

End-to-end encryption means that the key or password needed to encrypt or decrypt messages, files, or data is only in the hands of the owner (or on their devices, which they store locally). That key is never stored on the servers of the company in question. Therefore, no one could manage to decipher the data. Neither the company itself nor any actor who managed to sneak into their systems.

End-to-end iCloud encryption therefore means that all files generated in Apple apps or devices are locally encrypted and uploaded to iCloud in that state.

Don’t forget the password

One of the drawbacks is the possibility of forgetting or losing Apple credentials. That is, the data necessary to log in with your Apple ID. If you forget the password you will be lost.

The requirements to turn on end-to-end encryption in iCloud are:

  • Turn on two-factor verification for Apple ID.
  • Have a password set for your device.
  • Have an account recovery contact. The wizard will help you create it.
  • Have a compatible device:
  • Child or Managed Apple IDs or accounts are excluded.

For turn on encryption in iCloud you need to go to “Settings”. Later, enter the user profile and click on iCloud. Click on the option “Advanced data protection” and then “Activate Advanced data protection”. (YO)

Source: Eluniverso

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