Shortly before assuming the Presidency of Argentina 10th of December, Javier Milei He stated that he would dedicate 24 hours a day to government functions. One hundred days later, the president has converted his social networks in a particular office and in a perfect speaker for its discussed management. Milei emerged as a ‘Rare avis’ […]
Tag: argentina
Soup kitchens in Argentina, the bitter taste of Milei’s adjustments
Under the rain and in the middle of the street, Mario Cardozo eagerly eats a stew from a plastic container that he holds in his hands. While he punctures the pieces of chicken that float in the broth, the 71-year-old retiree watches over the wheeled cart where he has kept other containers of food that […]
100 days after the Milei government, how is your libertarian experiment going in Argentina?
He invites his acolytes to join the “Forces of Heaven” and governs frantically from social networks: the ultraliberal Javier Milei He ordered Argentina’s accounts at the beginning of his administration thanks to a draconian adjustment that strained the political and social climate. “There’s no money”, Milei said upon assuming office as president on December 10, […]
Galan Lithium assures that court ruling in Argentina does not alter its lithium project
The Australian mining company Galan Lithium assured that the recent measure issued by a court in the Argentine province of Catamarca regarding the environmental impact on the gigantic Salar del Hombre Muerto does not alter the development of its mining project. lithium Dead Man West (HMW). Princewhose representatives met this Monday with authorities of the […]
Activity of the SME industry in Argentina falls 9.9% year-on-year in February
Manufacturing industry activity SME of Argentina Last February, it registered a drop of 9.9% compared to the same month last year and a contraction of 7.7% in relation to last January, sector sources reported this Sunday. According to a report from the Argentine Confederation of Medium Enterprises (Came), February was the third consecutive month in […]
Lula says that the extreme right threatens democracy and mentions Milei
The Brazilian president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvasaid on Friday that the extreme right threatens democracy in the world, and gave as an example the case of his Argentine counterpart, Javier Milei. “What is at risk in the world is democracy, because of fascism, because of Nazism, because of the rabid, ignorant and brutal extreme […]
They sue Argentina in the US for debt for fuel used in the presidential plane
An American firm sued Argentina for failing to pay fuel used by the presidential plane, in expenses that correspond mainly to the period of the government of Alberto Fernandez in 2023, although also at the beginning of the management of his successor, Javier Milei. Associated Energy Group, with headquarters in Miami (southeast) and subsidiaries in […]
The Valley of Tears, from the horror of tragedy to the dream of the Oscar
The summer heat has melted the snow. The exhausted visitors recover as best they can and contemplate the Valley of Tears, the site of the Tragedy of The Andesa mysterious corner that can achieve artistic immortality if this Sunday ‘The Snow Society’ wins the Oscar for best international film. More than half a century later, […]
Food or remedies? In Milei’s Argentina, medicines are a luxury
In the pharmacy of Argentina people check the price of the medicine and do not buy it, even antibiotics. Some stopped their anti-inflammatory treatments. hypertension or the cholesterol. Others stopped receiving crucial medicines to survive from the State while the government audits the assistance system. The drop in sales of 10 million medicines in January, […]
Argentina demands the United Kingdom for expanding the fishing exclusion zone
The government of Javier Milei sent a complaint note to United Kingdom for its decision to expand “unilateral” the fishing exclusion zone around the Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, which are part of the island territories in the South Atlantic, whose sovereignty Argentina claims. The sending of the note, dated February 27, was confirmed this […]