Jaime Busto cuts Toni Bou’s winning streak by winning in Valsassina

Jaime Busto cuts Toni Bou’s winning streak by winning in Valsassina

Jaime Busto cuts Toni Bou’s winning streak by winning in Valsassina

Euskaraz irakurri: Jaime Bustok Toni Bouren garaipen bolada eten du, Valsassinan irabazita

The Bizkaian Jaime Busto (GasGas) this Sunday ended the winning streak of his compatriot Toni Bou (Montesa) in the World Championship outdoor trial by winning the second day of the Italian Grand Prixdisputed in Valsassina.

The Gorliz driver won with 39 penalty points, four less than Toni Bou, who, after winning the first five races. In the sixth he had to settle for second place. He completed the podium, with 50, the Italian Matteo Gattarola (Beta).

Toni Bou leads the championship overall with 117 points. Bust totals 79.

The World Championship continues between July 5 and 7 with the German Grand Prix, in Neunkirchen.

Source: Eitb

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