Several years, Goal implemented extreme extreme encryption in chats whatsapp messenger And instagram to ensure the privacy of its users’ conversations. However, this move is not welcomed by world authorities and police, who assure that it hinders their technological research work.

The Virtual Global Task Force (VGT), made up of 15 law enforcement agencies such as the FBI, Interpol and the National Crime Agency, issued a statement explaining why they oppose encryption in chats. According to the entity, which works to eliminate the threat of pedophilia and child sexual abuse, the impact encryption can have on law enforcement’s ability to track down, prosecute and prosecute abusers it would be devastating.

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“There is no doubt that encryption plays an important role in protecting privacy, but this must be balanced against the importance of protecting children online”, reads the joint text.

According to VGT statistics, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) received 29.3 million reports of suspected child sexual abuse in 2021, an increase of 35% compared to 2020. Of these 29.3 million more than 29.1 million reports came from electronic service providers.

The VGT accused Meta of implementing this technology that degrades security systems and weakens the ability to keep children safe users.

The organization “calls on all industry partners to fully appreciate the impact of implementing system design decisions that result in blindfolded child abuse on their platforms, or reducing their ability to identify child abuse.” and keep children safe.

“It is time to face these concerns and take tangible steps toward possible solutions that we know exist,” the statement said.

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“If the user base and the risk of children are high, part of the investment and implementation of technically feasible solutions for security measures is paramount. Abuse doesn’t just stop because companies decide to stop searching. We all have a role to play in protecting children in the online spaces and we strongly urge industrial partners to take active steps towards this goalasked the VGT.

However, Meta defends its position to protect the privacy of its users. “We don’t think people want us to read their private messages.That is why we have developed security measures that prevent, detect and take action against this gross misuse,” said a spokesperson for the technology company.