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Bonanno will continue one more season in Anaitasuna, until 2024

Bonanno will continue one more season in Anaitasuna, until 2024

Bonanno will continue one more season in Anaitasuna, until 2024

Euskaraz irakurri: Bonannok beste denboraldi bat emango du Anaitasunan, 2024ra art

left side Nicholas Bonanno ha renovated by a season your contract with Helvetia Anaitasunauntil 2024as announced by the Pamplona club on Wednesday.

Bonanno, 30 years old and international with the Argentina national team, is currently playing his second season with Helvetia Anaitasuna. It is one of the main assets for the coach, Quique Domínguez, at a defensive level, and in addition, his contribution in attack is increasing, as is proven by the fact that he has already managed to double the number of goals he scored in the campaign 2021-22.

“I am very happy that the club trusts me and wants to continue counting on me. As I have been saying since the first months of my relationship with Anaitasuna, it is a very professional team that does things very well, which helps the players we can maintain our sports performance at a good level, which is our priority”, said Bonanno, after renewing.

Source: Eitb

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