El Salvador transferred this Tuesday 2,000 gang members to what is known as the Terrorism Confinement Center, a macro-prison inaugurated at the end of last January. It is the second shipment of gang members to this maximum security prison in just three weeks. Already then, the images disseminated by the Nayib Bukele government itself caused great controversy: the police officers they made the prisoners parade barefoot, half-naked and handcuffed with their hands and feet.

Now, despite the controversy generated at that time, they have re-published a very similar video of the transfer. As can be seen in the images that accompany these lines, the prisoners walk down a corridor flanked by fully armed agents, wearing only white underwear. El Salvador has spared no expense in the propaganda of its particular fight against the gangs. On this occasion, for no apparent reason, They have come to use aerial drone shots and even thermal cameras in the production of the video.

President, Nayib Bukele, has boasted on his social networks of this new shipment of prisoners to the largest prison in America: “With this, there are already 4,000 gang members who inhabit the most criticized prison in the world,” he indicated. In addition, the Minister of Justice and Peace of El Salvador, Gustavo Villatoro, has warned that the prisoners “They will never return to the communities, the neighborhoods, the neighborhoods and our cities”.

All this has coincided with a new extension of the state of exception in the country. El Salvador established this regime on March 27, 2022 as a measure to stop the high homicide rate: only the day before, 62 murders were registered. In the last year, the Salvadoran police has detained more than 1% of the populationabout 65,000 people.

Various international organizations have denounced constant human rights violations, while the United States has accused the Bukele government of have agreed with the gangs. The supposed success of his campaign would be the result, according to this accusation, of an agreement through which the Executive would guarantee better conditions for the gang members, in exchange for these reducing homicides.