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SZ category “Formsache”: A case for the motion detector

SZ: Sport is …

Lizzy Aumeier: … important! You only get wiser in old age! I never thought I’d get up early at seven and go jogging – and I was right!

Your current fitness level?

Let’s put it this way: Others have a pedometer! I’m taking this slowly and have a motion detector!

Rim upswing or stop for a break?

What is it? It has nothing to do with music, food or drink, otherwise I would know that …!

Was physical education for you?

I was young and needed the top grade! In any case, I was never the last to be selected at the dodgeball!

Your personal record?

Seahorse. And last year I performed in the Greuther Fürth stadium!

Stadium visitors or television athletes?

The last answer was probably superfluous!

Club or shamrock?

There is a nice quote: We women feel sorry for the losers, but cheat them with the winners!

Your eternal sports idol?

Franz Klammer, he was so pretty, I would even have married him.

A defining experience?

When I saw an orthopedic surgeon after our serious accident (2010 on the autobahn, the cabaret artist’s and her husband’s pickup truck hit a truck without braking, both vehicles skidded and overturned; d. Ed.) said I would never walk again. – Hello! – I am OBERPFÄLZERIN!

In which discipline would you be an Olympic champion?

Playing the double bass, you consume a lot of calories, otherwise maybe a marathon – how long do you have time again?!?

Which athlete would you like to swap jerseys with?

With nobody! At my age everyone has broken joints, either from exercising or not exercising!

Every week, SZ asks people about their affinity for sport under the heading “Formsache”. Artists, politicians, business captains – just not athletes. It would be boring.

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