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These are the smartest zodiac signs

The Ecuadorian holistic therapist answers questions in this regard.

Astrology, although not a novelty, has become a trend, especially by the younger generations. Social networks and various Internet portals are full of information in this regard, and it is said that through the position of the planets and the exact time of birth, you can know various aspects of a person’s life, including those intelligence.

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So, starting from the zodiac signs, how can I identify which are the smartest. Kerly Juca, better known as Astromistics, ecuadorian An expert in astral subjects such as the horoscope and the tarot, she answers some questions about it.

For Juca, the first thing to analyze will be the astral chart, since this will be the only way in which the personality of an individual can be determined and thus, the type of intelligence he has. It also ensures that there is no “one sign more intelligent than another” but with different capacities that make them stand out in different areas in different ways.

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Astomysitis explains that “each individual has a great combination of zodiacal signs and planets according to the time of birth and that gives you a personality, abilities”; once the person calculates their birth chart they must pay attention to your ascendant, since the sun sign (the one we know from the day we are born) will not define the personality of the person.

The signs that are easier in activities logical-mathematics According to the expert, they are those who have signs such as Capricorn and Virgo in their natal chart. On the other hand, for linguistic intelligenceSigns like Leo and Gemini are good at communicating or expressing themselves easily towards other people.

The collaborative intelligence It is also important within individuals and the zodiac sign that most easily exploits their abilities in this regard is Aquarius. “Aquarius, is very good at interacting with the community or helping those in need,” explains the expert tarot reader. “Generally, we see them being the presidents of a charitable cause, event organizers or animating groups with their special and fluid charisma.”

What concerns to spatial intelligence, Taurus excels, as indicated by the Quito holistic therapist.

The emotional intelligence It is sedimented in the Cancer sign, so those people with this sign in their birth chart will be able to analyze themselves more easily, maintain their sanity in moments of high tension and also understand the message of others. What stands out the most about this sign is its empathy, so it will be an excellent advisor.

“Cancer tends to be sensitive, sentimental, but reserved, for cancer the family is important, therefore for them, knowing how to function in family and friends is important, since they tend to be very empathetic with the intimate circle, over time they learn to regulate or balance their emotions, making it easier for them to become emotionally intelligent “, adds the Ecuadorian.

The signs of Libra and Sagittarius are the most likely to succeed in artistic fields; in them the musical intelligence, excels, indicates Kerly Juca. “If a person has a Libra in his birth chart, it is quite likely that he likes to sing, sing an instrument, dance, listen to music, they enjoy what provides harmony and music is one of the main arts that gives you harmony, that is why for them, it is easier for them to develop musical intelligence “, he says.

Another edge is the plastic arts; In this area, people with the sign of Aries stand out. “Individuals who have Aries in their birth chart, especially as an ascendant, tend to be very creative, competitive and sometimes seem to be one step ahead; it is easier for them to develop the creative intelligence”.

Finally, Pisces and Scorpio take the lead in the naturalistic intelligence, so it indicates Astromistics. “Pisces, has a rich sensitivity to the environment that surrounds him; some over time learn to block this sensitivity so as not to suffer, but without a doubt they have it. Pisces have a natural mysticism and it is easy for them to connect with nature. In addition, he knows how to appreciate or give importance to the unique qualities of each being; It is easy for them to remember what differentiates each one. (I)

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