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Elżbieta Sommer was the most famous weather forecaster in Poland.  They said that “Chmurka” was Bierut’s daughter

Elżbieta Sommer was the most famous weather forecaster in Poland. They said that “Chmurka” was Bierut’s daughter

El¿bieta Sommer was the face of weather forecasts broadcast on Polish Television for 40 years. Professionalism and education caused that she quickly gained great sympathy from viewers who called her “Chmurka”. Pogodynka retired in 2004 and disappeared from the media. What’s up with her?

Elżbieta Sommer started at the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management. In 1957, she went to , however, she appeared on the screen for the first time six years later. Earlier, weather forecasts were presented by the iconic “Wicherek”, i.e. Czesław Nowicki. Although they have been working together for a long time, the beginnings were not easy.

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“Cloud” vs “Wicherek”. Elżbieta Sommer did not have an easy beginning in television

Sommer was a meteorologist by education, Nowicki was an amateur with a love of show, he bet on attractive and anecdotal forecasts. – Wicherek was destroying me until he came to the conclusion that I am not a threat to him, I am a woman and I announce the weather in my style – in one of the interviews. An archival fragment of the forecast presented by Sommer can be viewed in the series “Snapshots from the past” on the platform. When “Wicherek” lost his job, rumors abounded. Some said Sommer bit him out. Unofficially, it was said that the authorities were simply fed up with the mishaps of the presenter. “I’ve heard and read a lot of nonsense about myself,” she recalled. The rumors concerned not only her relationship with Nowicki.

They said she was Bierut’s daughter. “Chmurka” had to explain herself for years

The weather forecaster rarely talks about her private life. It is known that in the 70s she got married. After the birth of her daughter, Telewizja Polska persuaded her to an interview and a family photo session. These are one of the very few photographs where you can see “Chmurka’s” husband and child.

Sometimes in interviews, however, she lifted the veil of secrecy. That was when she shared a certain anecdote. Sommer gave birth to her daughter in a military hospital, and popularity meant that she received a comfortable solitary confinement. Other patients, crowded in the rooms, wondered who was the woman who could enjoy such comfort. – Salowa blurted out that I was Bierut’s daughter and it went to Poland – Sommer, who then had to explain for many years that she had nothing to do with the leader of the Polish United Workers’ Party. This was not possible when “Chmurka” was born in 1936, as Bierut had been in prison for three years.

She retired after 40 years. She did not leave a dry thread on modern weather girls

In 2004, Elżbieta Sommer decided to retire. She appeared in Telewizja Polska for over 40 years, but after 2004 she disappeared from the media. He also rarely gives interviews. In one of the last ones from 2011, she did not leave a dry thread on modern weather girls. “Currently, weathermen don’t really know what they’re doing. Apart from beauty, they often have nothing that could interest the viewer […]. They’re not very smart and above all, they have no knowledge of meteorology, which is the basis of this profession. It used to be unthinkable. A stupid smile will not cover up the lack of knowledge – sternly in the conversation quoted by “Plejada”. Sommer turned 87 in 2023.

Source: Gazeta

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