When women’s political participation increases, democracy, the rule of law and the work of citizens are strengthened. In the same way, when the participation of women in the company increases, the economy is strengthened, the labor market is activated, and the business is diversified. The values ​​of equality and individual autonomy activate democratic and economic sustainability as an inclusive, free and fair social goal.

From the political dimension, the growth of women’s electoral participation gains space in the system of democratic representation and in the preferences of the electorate. According to EL UNIVERS, in the last sectional elections, Ecuadorians voted for more mayors and prefects compared to 2019. At the head of the prefectures will be 30.4% women, compared to 17.4% in 2019; Women will hold 19% of mayoral positions, compared to 8.1% of mayoral positions four years ago. Out of 1,544 candidates for mayor, 485 were women, and out of 186 candidates for prefect, 44 were women. The challenge for women in politics is to achieve effective performance, which is reflected in ensuring the needs of the population under strict accountability, which deepens the legitimacy of the democratic system.

Ecuador is known for gender equality in the world tourism industry

From the business dimension, the growth of women’s participation in the production and commercial system could be encouraged through the recent Organic Law to promote the Purple Economy. According to INEC, 3,300,000 women make up the economically active population of the country, women study on average 2.14 years longer than men to get a suitable job, and the wage gap between men and women is 14.8%. The law stipulates the promotion of women’s employability and the reduction of wage differences at the workplace by regulating the distribution of the working day, which may be unevenly distributed within five days of the week. In the tax area, deductions corresponding to benefits and social benefits contributed to the IESS, for the opening of a new workplace for the employment of women, will be deducted up to an additional 140% depending on the time of employment. .permanence of workers in the workplace. And in the corporate sphere, all companies covered by the Companies Act, when their management boards are formed, when they have three or more members, must take care that one for every three members is a woman. The business challenge is to link equal opportunity with merit for results to create competitiveness.

women with a better salary

The integration of women’s representation in the democratic and business system builds social progress and sustainable wealth. As Henry Kissinger says in his latest book: “Every society, regardless of the political system, is in constant transit between the past, the creator of its memory, and the vision of the future that inspires its evolution. On this path, leadership is essential.“. (OR)