The main way to get vitamin D is by exposing the skin to sunlight, which manages to produce up to 90% of the total required amount.

For this to happen, we have to expose at least the entire extremities of our body, the smaller the surface of the skin exposed to the sun, the less vitamin D is obtained.

In terms of diet, only between 5-10% of the required vitamin D is absorbed through foods such as fatty fish, dairy products and eggs.

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Sun exposure is a great way to get vitamin D for free. Photo: Unsplash

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How to know if you have a vitamin D deficiency

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

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In the fight against the lack of sunlight, milk, cheese, eggs, fish and shellfish are foods that serve to achieve an adequate intake of vitamin D.

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Causes of vitamin D deficiency

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How to increase vitamin D

For this reason, the best way to meet the daily requirement of vitamin D, if we cannot be exposed to the sun for at least 20 minutes a day, such as in winter, is to use dietary supplements with vitamin D.

In this way, we will be able to cover the defects caused by the lack of exposure to the sun.