Feel panic, worry or nervousness faced with an undesirable situation could be classified as a Panic attackBut these are not the only symptoms. There are several differences between contracting a generalized anxiety disorder, anxiety attacks, or neitherwith.

Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the exact symptoms that affect you or someone close to you so that you know how to react to a real anxiety attack and, most importantly, know when it is time to seek medical help.

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What is anxiety?

According to Clinic from the University of Navarreanxiety is aa normal emotion that is experienced in situations where the subject feels threatened by external or internal danger“. Because it is a transient emotion that disappears when the stressful event is resolved, Feeling anxious does not always guarantee that you have a disorder.

Anxiety becomes abnormal when it becomes disproportionately and for too long for the driving stimulus, says the clinic. An anxiety disorder is considered when the emotion lasts more than six months and there are acute symptoms. Also, a psychiatric diagnosis is required to determine that someone is suffering from an anxiety disorder.

It is also necessary to distinguish generalized anxiety from anxiety attacks, as both have different symptoms and effects.

Generalized anxiety produces less intense but more persistent feelings of panicLike a permanent state of anxiety. While anxiety attacks are short, sudden and intense.

symptoms of generalized anxiety

According to him National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), symptoms can improve or worsen over time and are often worse during periods of stress, such as physical illness, around school exams, or during conflicts in family or personal relationships. In addition, other physiological symptoms may appear, such as pain, fatigue or shortness of breath.

Symptoms of an anxiety attack

The NIMH explains that these attacks are characterized by a sudden wave of fear or discomfortOr, a sense of loss of control, even when there is no real danger or clear trigger.

Also, they can appear several times a day or only a few times a year.