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The most beautiful quotes about love from books. Ready sms messages for Valentine’s Day.

They will prove useful when we want to give our feelings and thoughts the meaning of the message. How to put into words what we feel? Let us choose a quote from literary classics that will capture the enormity of our emotions. Some are saturated with romanticism, while others radiate sadness. is a proven way to express feelings in a unique way, because they are timeless and still relevant.

Romantic quotes about love

Romantic quotes about love will find use in many situations. Valentine’s Day, wedding anniversary, relationship, birthday of the other half and many other events in life is a reason to celebrate love. Sometimes the power of love is so great that life takes on a meaning that we have not yet noticed.

“You love for nothing. There is no reason to love.” Paulo Coelho

“Love is not about looking at each other, but about looking in the same direction together.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

“True love means that you care more than your own happiness, no matter how painful choices you face.” Nicholas Sparks, I still love her

“Love, in its simple and timid speech, will say the most when it says the least.” William Shakespeare

The most beautiful quotes about love from books.

“When I don’t see you, I don’t sigh, I don’t cry,
I don’t lose my mind when I see you;
However, when I don’t watch you for a long time,
I miss something, I demand to see someone;
And longing I ask myself the question:
Is it friendship? Is it baby? ”
Adam Mickiewicz, Uncertainty

“I have always loved you, and when you love someone, you love the whole person as he is, not as you would like him to be.” Leo Toostoy, Anna Karenina

“I’d rather have one life with you than loneliness for all ages of this world.” JRR Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Sad love quotes

It also happens that when we feel hurt and full of sadness, we need words that express our despair, then we can use sad quotes about love. Love can push us to take big steps, and if we reject it, it can push us into the deepest gulf.

“To love is to destroy, and to be loved is to be destroyed.” Cassandra Clare, City of Bones

“It’s better to love and then cry. Next bullshit. Believe me, it’s not any better. Don’t show me paradise and then burn it down.” Harlan Coben, Don’t tell anyone

“No day will happen again, no two nights alike, no two kisses the same, no two same looks in the eye.” Wislawa Szymborska

Quotes about unrequited love

Love quotes from books will not always be associated with happiness, but with unfulfilled, unhappy love. It is worth remembering that even in such a situation, we can go out with our heads held high, because love gives wings, so you have to get the best out of it.

“When love opens the world, even an unhappy one opens it.” Maria Dąbrowska

“The heart is afraid of suffering. Tell it that the fear of suffering is more terrible than suffering itself.” Paulo Coelho

“Love is the most wonderful and the most painful of feelings. The most difficult and at the same time the most beautiful. It takes away one’s mind, takes possession of thoughts, leads to madness, often to ruin. It appears uninvited, at the wrong time. The truest one overcomes any adversity, can last. against the norms, prohibitions, orders, claims. “

“Love – the one to death and the unfulfilled, crazy and calm, passionate, platonic, the one that gives wings and the one that cuts the wings, the one full of despair, the faithful one and the treacherous one.” Gabriela Gargaś

Source: Gazeta

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