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How to prevent avocado from browning and last for several days

The avocado or avocado is grown in tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. This fruit has a pleasant aroma and flavor and also offers a high nutritional value and various medicinal benefits.

Postharvest handling is essential to preserve the quality of the fruit. The main causes of losses are mechanical damage, excessive cooling and fungal contamination, indicates the FAO.

There is a large world market mainly for fresh fruit, as well as for processed foods and cosmetic products. On the other hand, in everyday life, choosing an avocado in perfect condition could be a challenge and keeping it in good condition is another problem.

The avocado turns dark due to an oxidation process. According to this, when we open the fruit, the part that is not consumed comes into contact with the oxygen air and -with the action of enzymes called polyphenols- reacts with a series of compounds (polyphenols) that turn the pulp of the avocado brown.

In any case, the consumption of oxidized avocado is harmless and should not be confused with a state of putrefaction, details the portal The Infinite Kitchen.

One of the actions to preserve the green color of the avocado is to fill a jar with cold water and place half of the fruit upside down, preferably with the seed. This way no signs of oxidation will appear, for at least 48 hours. Then it should be closed well and stored in the refrigerator.

Another trick to maintain the greenery is to cover the part that is no longer going to be used, with transparent plastic wrap. Care must be taken to ensure that it is fully adhered to the surface susceptible to rust. After that, put it in the fridge.

Olive oil is also efficient as a barrier to oxygen, indicates gastrolab. The ideal is to put a little of this oil on the surface of the avocado so that it has an effect on it.

This is what happens to your body if you eat an avocado every day

The (aphrodisiac?) qualities of the fashionable fruit, the avocado

Avocado is consumed in various ways and one of these is as guacamole. If it is processed in this way, the remainder can also be kept for a while longer, in the following way.

  • Place the guacamole sauce in an airtight container
  • Add a little warm water. Take into account the amount of water with respect to the sauce; It should cover the entire diameter of the container.
  • Cover the container and refrigerate. When you want to consume it for up to three days, you must remove the water. (F)

Source: Eluniverso

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