To comb or not to comb?  How to properly treat wet hair to make it strong and healthy

To comb or not to comb? How to properly treat wet hair to make it strong and healthy

Is it bad to sleep with wet hair? Should you comb or brush wet hair? Can I straighten my hair when it’s wet? These are important questions we all have about how to care for our hair when it’s wet. Today we will clarify these issues once and for all.

Few rules are as important in hair care as not brushing or combing wet hair. With summer upon us, it’s natural to shower prematurely, but if you’re looking for tips on how to deal with wet hair all day long, help is at hand. A hair expert answers all your questions about wet hair and how to survive the season without increased hair loss.

This is what happens when you comb wet hair

Wet hair Zyn Chakrapong / shutterstock

First of all, wet hair can be combed – but only the right method and tools will help reduce brittleness. There are hydrogen bonds in the hair structure that break temporarily when the hair is wet, making the hair more brittle and susceptible to damage when wet. Activities such as harsh combing or towel-drying your hair can cause serious stress on your hair. Wet hair should be combed very carefully with a wide-toothed comb or paddle brush after applying a leave-in spray or finishing oil.

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Avoid tying wet hair into a ponytail or bun

Sometimes after shampooing or swimming, it can be tempting to just put your hair in a ponytail, but that’s a big mistake. When you tie your hair back, it stretches up to a third of its length, causing it to break. So make sure your hair is completely dry before you pin it up.

Never go to bed with wet hair

“Like the old saying ‘never go to bed after an argument, you should never go to bed with wet hair.'” Even if you have manageable, straight hair that doesn’t tangle, you can still end up with tangles, and that can be harmful to hair. As mentioned above, stretching wet hair isn’t good for it, and lying on wet hair can cause this.

Polish women eat it in handfuls.  This makes the hair extremely greasy.  'But how can I break the habit?!'Polish women eat it in handfuls. This makes the hair extremely greasy. ‘But how can I break the habit?!’ photo: shutterstock / Alon Za

Source: Gazeta

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