What to do with food after Christmas.  We know how not to waste it

What to do with food after Christmas. We know how not to waste it

Holiday food waste is costly, harmful to the environment and affects people. If you don’t have a proper Christmas plan and don’t know what to do with leftover food, here are some ideas to reduce holiday food waste.

During a season of excess such as Easter, food that we buy and prepare with good intentions often becomes food waste. However, we understand that it is difficult to know exactly how much food you will need. This is why We’ve collected some helpful Easter cooking trickswhich will help you reduce food waste this holiday season.

Give leftover ingredients a second life

Easter food canvas

You bought ingredients that you didn’t use on Easter. Here’s what you can do to make the most of it and reduce food waste. You can turn all fruits and vegetables into juices or smoothies, which can be frozen or drunk for dinner or breakfast. You can also make compote or soup from them.

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You can freeze the cakes and make soup from the leftover meat, which can also be frozen

Every year we have so much leftover ham that we would have to eat it for days to use it up. To avoid being tired of leftovers, we can prepare, for example, pea soup. Another favorite dish for leftover ham fans is ham and cheese sliders – although they are usually made with deli ham, thinly sliced ​​fresh ham would be a delicious substitute.

Look for food points in your city and share food

The Town Hall Dining Room in Praga PółnocThe Town Hall Dining Room in Praga Północ Photo Gazeta.pl

In many cities and villages there are so-called eating places. It is a small, locked refrigerator or cabinet where we can leave food for those in need or homeless shelters. Just remember not to leave bitten leftovers or spoiled food there. We can definitely share baked goods, fruit and cookies.

Source: Gazeta

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