“The Voice Kids”.  She barely entered the stage when the coaches’ jaws dropped.  “It made me shudder”

“The Voice Kids”. She barely entered the stage when the coaches’ jaws dropped. “It made me shudder”

This is the end of the blind auditions for the seventh edition of “The Voice Kids”. In the episode broadcast on Holy Saturday, April 30, many children’s musical talents appeared again. One of them was Marta Porris Zalewska. The 14-year-old delighted the coaches, but it was not her debut in the program.

“The Voice Kids” debuted on TVP on January 1, 2018. The program is based on the same principles as the well-known “” or “The Voice Senior”, but is aimed at younger participants. Young singers aged 8 to 14 can take part in it. During the blind auditions, participants perform in front of trainers sitting in chairs with their backs turned to them. The transition to the next stage is determined by whether the coach turns his chair around. Roksana Wêgiel, Viki Gabor and Sara James made their debut in “The Voice Kids”. In the seventh edition of the program, the teams include Tomson and Baron, Cleo and Natasza Urbańska, who replaced Dawid Kwiatkowski.

“The Voice Kids”. The 2024 Blind Auditions have already ended. There were plenty of surprises in the last episode

As in previous editions, this one is full of controversial coaches’ decisions and extraordinary performances. On Holy Saturday, April 30, the last episode featuring blind auditions was broadcast. This means that the coaches have already assembled their teams. There were also plenty of surprises in the episode.

On stage she appeared, among others: 14-year-old Marta Porris Zalewska. He lives in Spain. It was there that she made her debut in “The Voice”. In 2022, she took part in the local version of the program, “La Voz Kids”. Then, during the auditions, four coaches turned their seats, and Marta reached the finals. How did she cope during the blind auditions in the Polish edition?

From Spain to “The Voice Kids”. How did she cope?

The 14-year-old decided to present the song “Beat It” by Michael Jackson. A rather bold choice to showcase his vocal talent clearly paid off. Even before the performance, she admitted that her biggest dream was to be a singer. After the first bars of the song, she couldn’t hide her excitement. “That’s power,” she said. However, she was the first to turn her chair, ahead of Urbańska, who, impressed by the 14-year-old’s talent, stood up and started clapping by a fraction of a second. Finally, during Marta’s performance, all the coaches turned their chairs around again. – What fire! – Cleo exclaimed when the teenager finished singing. – It’s called fire – added Urbańska.

– What happened on stage… It doesn’t happen often – commented Cleo. – The scene has possessed you. I used to go here all the time. You are a phenomenon, you are unique, she added. Natasza Urbańska was also similarly delighted. – It `s genius. “I can’t take my eyes off you,” she said. – I flinched twice during your performance. The first time this characteristic note was heard – said Tomson. – One hundred and one hundred interpretation – he concluded. Ultimately, Marta chose Natasza Urbańska’s team.

Source: Gazeta

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