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You treat it like a weed and pull it out, and it’s a secret weapon against pests.  It will eliminate powdery mildew and aphids

You treat it like a weed and pull it out, and it’s a secret weapon against pests. It will eliminate powdery mildew and aphids

Every gardener knows how difficult it is to get rid of pests. We spend millions on special preparations that do not always turn out to be effective. Try cheap and ecological spraying that you can do yourself at home. You will need one plant.

The problem of pests living in the garden keeps many people awake at night. They destroy plants, inhibit their growth and reduce yields. Fighting them is not easy, but the right measures can help you get rid of worms. The most common insects include aphids, spider mites, chives mites and boxwood moths. Give up the use of chemical preparations and spray only one weed.

Why spray horsetail? It will fight common plant diseases

Horsetail is a species spread all over the world. In Poland it is considered a very common plant and even a weed. It is also known as ponytail, herringbone and tassel. It has characteristic shoots that resemble a Christmas tree in shape. Due to its protective and fungicidal properties, it is ideal for spraying against diseases.

Additionally, it improves the soil structure, strengthens plants and improves their resistance. Horsetail contains silicic acid, organic acids and flavonoids. They do not pollute the environment, so they will be safe for your garden. They combat diseases such as powdery mildew, potato blight, gray mold and leaf curl.

How to spray horsetail? Photo Franciszek Mazur / Agencja

How to spray horsetail? Chop and pour water over it

Horsetail is harvested in summer, more precisely from the end of June to the beginning of September. If you can’t get fresh herb, you can also use dried herb for spraying. To prepare the preparation, you will need at least 500 g of green horsetail parts. Rinse them under water and chop them. Mix the weed with water in a ratio of 100 g of horsetail per 1 liter of water. Leave for 24 hours. After this time, pour everything into the pot and cook for 20 minutes. Strain the mixture through a strainer and pour into a spray bottle. It’s best to use it all right away, because if the decoction is left unused, it will lose its properties. You can use this spray once a week.

Source: Gazeta

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