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Love troubles?  Our grandmothers had an effective remedy for them.  One twig is enough

Love troubles? Our grandmothers had an effective remedy for them. One twig is enough

When there are arguments between spouses or partners, things are not going well, etc., our grandmothers know what to do. It is enough to reach for a branch of one of the fruit trees and perform a simple ritual.

More practical advice on

When nothing works and we fail to achieve the desired goal, some of us turn to folk wisdom and superstition. Rationally, both are harmless, but when all else fails, you can try this too.

This is how our grandmothers ensured the love of their beloved

Years ago, women were much better versed in the properties of plants than today. They knew perfectly well what herbs to use to treat specific ailments, which can be used in the kitchen, they had no doubts about the symbolic meaning of the various gifts of the earth. They also used their knowledge to provide love. For this purpose, they reached for a cherry branch.

Intentions are important

According to the beliefs of our grandmothers, a sprig of blooming cherry was supposed to strengthen love and protect against infidelity. In addition, it had a good effect on the senses and vital forces, it was also supposed to have the power of purification. However, it is important to reach for it in the spring, when it blooms. It was enough to perform a simple ritual to ensure the love of the chosen one, but it was important to think carefully about the intentions and consider whether our wish did not conflict with someone else’s happiness. Grandmothers warned against trying to break other relationships, because it could bring bad energy to the person who performed the ritual. To ensure reciprocity in love, you should pluck a cherry branch, grab it in your right hand and make a wish out loud. After all, the twig should be burned.

With a grain of salt

This type of advice based on folk wisdom should, of course, be taken with a pinch of salt. Nobody can guarantee that they will work, but they can be treated as a kind of wishful thinking, i.e. a way of reasoning and making specific decisions based on the vision of an “optimistic scenario”.

Source: Gazeta

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