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How to quickly minimize the visibility of a bruise?  Wraps from what you have at home will help

How to quickly minimize the visibility of a bruise? Wraps from what you have at home will help

How to quickly minimize the visibility of a bruise? Many people look for solutions in a pharmacy for this purpose, but there are also home methods. Some of them were even used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. These tricks are simple and reliable. What should be done?

is a hematoma caused by a subcutaneous hemorrhage that occurs when blood vessels are damaged. As a result, a characteristic, bluish and often painful to the touch shade can be seen on the skin. How to speed up the healing process of the lesion? Few people know that home methods will help.

How long does a bruise last? In this case, consult a specialist

Bruises usually disappear on their own, and the process often takes about 7-10 days. The lesion changes color over time – from blue and greenish to yellow. This is influenced by the distribution of components in the blood, especially the pigment of red blood cells, hemoglobin. If the bruises take more than a month to disappear, it is worth going to the doctor and checking if there is anything wrong with your body. The bruise healing process can be accelerated with products from the store, but it is not always necessary. It turns out that the problem can also be solved with simple home remedies.

What helps with bruises? Home remedies will quickly solve the problem

There are a few simple ways to speed up the healing of bruises. It turns out that some are very cheap, and you can already have the necessary products in your home.

  1. Cabbage leaf wrap — The leaves contain large amounts of vitamin C, which reduces subcutaneous hematomas. Just pound the inside of a cabbage leaf with something heavy to release the juice, then apply it to the skin and wrap the area with a bandage. The method can be used before going to bed, and in the morning the change should be smaller.
  2. Vinegar wrap — Dissolve 1 tablespoon of vinegar in 100 ml of water, soak gauze with the liquid and apply it to the bruise. Keep the compress for several minutes.
  3. Ice compress “If you’ve just had a bruise, you can apply ice wrapped in a cotton cloth to the sore spot. The method will stop the internal bleeding, and thus, the swelling will be less.

Remember not to apply compresses to open wounds, which, instead of helping, could make the situation worse.

Source: Gazeta

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