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How often should a toothbrush be replaced?  Many people make the mistake of putting their health at risk

How often should a toothbrush be replaced? Many people make the mistake of putting their health at risk

When was the last time you changed your toothbrush? While we remember to throw away expired food or cosmetics, we often forget about our oral hygiene accessories. To stay healthy, check how often you do it.

Oral hygiene is much more important than most people realize. In severe cases, not taking care of your teeth can lead to serious health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. And while changing your toothbrush isn’t the most important part of maintaining a perfect toothbrush, sticking to the same toothbrush for too long can have serious consequences.

How often should a toothbrush be replaced? Keep this in mind

Using the same toothbrush for too long can make it less effective and may even do more harm than good. a manual toothbrush should be replaced every three to four months.

  • If you use it much longer, the bristles will start to fray and wear out, and it will not be as effective in removing plaque. When too much plaque and food particles remain in the teeth, the risk of tooth decay and gum disease increases.
  • Germs are another factor. While we may not like to think about it, germs build up on our toothbrushes over time. Therefore, it is important to always replace tooth accessories after a cold, because you risk re-infection every time you brush.
  • Bacteria and fungi can also grow in the toothbrush bristles. After brushing, remember to rinse and dry thoroughly and stored upright, away from other toothbrushes. Cover your toothbrush head when traveling to prevent it from getting dirty on the go.

When should an electric toothbrush head be replaced? Pay attention to the hair

Electric toothbrush head preferably replaced every 12 weeks. This should be done more often than with a manual one, as electric ones often have shorter bristles. For this reason, they tend to wear out faster and require replacement sooner. You can even change your brush head sooner than 12 weeks if you notice that the bristles don’t seem to be in the best condition.

Source: Gazeta

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